Strengthening Mine Tailing safety in Central Asia through Nature-Based Solutions’

Mine tailings are the solid or liquid waste products from the mining industry. They are a significant environmental and human health concern due to the potential migration of contaminants, such as heavy metals or chemical additives, through leachate from the tailings. Contaminants such as Acid Mine Drainage, heavy metals, cyanides and other chemical additives are often observed in water flowing from mine tailings. This project co-funded by the TAUW Foundations aimed to tackle this issue.   

The team, consisting of experts by TAUW Nederland and Narxoz University, has used real world examples to prove the utility of (low cost) NBS in dealing with pollution from the industrial sector and from mine tailing wastewater. Based on the results of the desktop study, inventory of mine tailings, site investigation and preliminary designs, a step by step process on how to develop a NBS for specific mining sites was developed. Three main problems were identified during the desktop study and at the pilot sites, for which three matching NBS were designed. The team designed the following NBS:     

  • A reactive mat with biosorbent to remove heavy metals from surface water   
  • Prevention or capture of sea spray from tailing lakes by adding calcium rich materials or growing algea   
  • Various methods of phytoremediation for heavy metals in soil  

For more information click on the summary report and poster below

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