Stimulating the cultivation and use of biobased building materials in the Netherlands
This project co-funded by the TAUW Foundation makes important contributions to sustainable agriculture: setting up a biobased chain in the east of the Netherlands (Twente). Twentse Bouwboeren work to establish a fair, regional, new chain for reuse and biobased building materials from fiber crops. By doing so, they offer a perspective for the agricultural sector and enable the agricultural transition. They aim to develop a viable value chain and bring the various sectors (construction sector, processing industry, and agricultural entrepreneurs) together.
For this, they have to overcome challenges regarding the cultivation, processing, and application of fiber crops. Twentse Bouwboeren work on this project together with many partners: De Land Bouwers, Stichting Pioneering, Rabobank, Waterschap Vechtstromen, and Building Balance.
In the past year, they already made important achievements. This includes organizing chain meetings where connections were made between farmers, processors, construction, municipalities and province, water board, housing cooperatives, and land management organizations. They have developed business cases and set up a program for disseminating and sharing knowledge with policymakers, stakeholders and the wider public, and many more.

More Information
Read this English paper or Dutch paper for on what the consortium has already achieved.
Or view the (Dutch) video below for more inspiring information!
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