Gaming for climate change awareness
Building the Energy Escape Room
The “Escape bus” is an initiative from a Dutch energy supplier to help support the energy transition. People are welcomed in the Energy Escape Room, a ‘mobile space’ where people experience the threats of climate change through games and puzzles. The Energy Escape Room aims to raise awareness for climate change on a practical level (how to lower energy usage in your house; how to install solar panels and so on) and give people ideas on how to find solutions. With the help of the TAUW Foundation, the University of Applied Sciences of Arnhem, the Province of Gelderland and ZutphenEnergie an autobus was transformed into a mobile escape room. The initiative will continue with the help of 40 local energy cooperations. You can rent the Escape Bus via the website (in Dutch).
You can read more about this project on their website (information in Dutch).
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